Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Crazy Crust


It used to be Friends Kebabs and they made a beetroot dip I hadn't seen anywhere else, but now it's Crazy Crust, just close to Brazil, or where Brazil was, on Karangahape Rd. I predict that Brazil will become a Burger Fuel. Crazy Crust has really cheap pizza. You can get a 12 inch Margarita for 6.50 or 6.95 but when I ate there quite a lot last week I think I only munched on someone else's Margarita. I didn't have the Bacon and Chips pizza either but I think Sriwhana Spong did so you'll have to ask her about that. The bases are more like something thinner, a flat bread, and I don't think there's a proper oven, just a grill. I had a really nice cottage cheese pizza, there's definitely something Indian about the place and it's not just the turban. For dessert I had the garlic cheesy bites. That's some garlic and mega cheese and they call it bites because instead of segments, like a pizza, it's cut into a grid. God, they put so much cheese on those pizzas, so much cheeeeese. Someone found a hair on the pizza and they only have a B hygeine rating but it's so cheap and cheesy, it's Crazy Crust! There is also a range of muffins available for purchase. They are like Hany Armanious's muffin sculptures disguised as real muffins. Go see them, they're still there.


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